
London Overseas Chinese School caters for all ages from 5 years old to adults. We teach various levels of Mandarin Chinese from beginners to GCSE and A-level. We provide Chinese language teaching for students whose family speak Mandarin or for students who are interested in learning another language.

Our school also offers an Adult Class for Mandarin topic teaching, suitable for travel, business, Chinese culture appreciation and daily usage. We can tailor special modules to suit individual needs to ensure rapid progress.

School hours:
Sundays 2.00 - 3.50p.m.

School Address:
St James' Catholic High School
Great Strand

For enrolment or more information please call:
020 8318 0188 or 07768 057 200
or email:

Thank you!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

LOCS 2010/11 Term Dates

Hi All

Below are the term dates for 2010/11.


二零一零/ 二零一一年度上課時間表 ( 2010 / 2011 Term Dates ):
第一學期開學日: 二零一零年 九月 十二日 (12/09/2010 1st day of Autumn term)
期中假: 十月三十一日 (31/10/2010 Half term – school closes)
學期結束日: 十二月 五日 (05/12/2010 school breaks up at 3.50pm)

第二學期開學日: 二零一一年 一月 九日 (09/01/2011 1st day of Spring term)
春節後首個星期天:二月  六日 (06/02/2011 1st Sunday of Chinese New Year)
期中假: 二月二十七日 (27/02/2011 Half term – school closes)
學期結束日: 四月  三日 (03/04/2011 school breaks up at 3.50pm)

第三學期開學日: 五月  八日 (08/05/2011 1st day of Summer term)
期中假: 五月二十九日 (29/05/2011 Half term – school closes)
學期結束日: 七月 十日 (10/07/2011 school breaks up at 3.50pm)

上課時間:每逢星期日下午14:00-15:50 School Hours: Sundays 14:00-15:50

上課地址School Address: St James’ Catholic High School, Great Strand, Colindale, London NW9 5PE

本校聯絡電話 Contact Telephone Nos.: 020 8318 0188 or 07768 057 200


Hi All

We have received the following email from the BBC - please contact Jonny Curtis jonny.curtis1@bbc.co.uk if you are interested.

We are looking for children aged 12-14 to take part in an exciting new CBBC show 'Police 8'. Here is a video taster of the show: http://vdev.national.core.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/childrensdevteam/screening/police8.shtml

Below is the consent form we would need the parents to fill out [You can get this from me, David, if you are interested]

We would come into the school, talk to the children and parents about the show and then interview the interested children. The "interview" would really be just a quick chat, would only take 5 minutes with each child and would be very informal. We would need to film the interviews with a small camcorder for our research purposes.
Are you interested?
Many thanks
Jonny Curtis

Thursday 24 June 2010

Chance for You To Be On BBC! (Part 1)

We have received the following email from Sarah Baker who works for the BBC. If you are interested please call her on 02080085546 or email her sarah.baker@bbc.co.uk , please do not contact me!


My name is Sarah Baker, I am writing on behalf of BBC documentaries who are currently in production of a one off film on family relationsips. The programme is being made for BBC2, as part of the Wonderland strand which airs at 9pm on weekdays.

I was wondering whether you could help with our publicity by putting up a couple of posters and letting your members know that we are looking for families.

The subject of the film is family life -what the modern family is and how it works. We want to film a number off amilies setting off on their summer holidays in the UK - we'll film them travelling to their holiday destination and coming back, but we would not be present for the holiday itself.

While they are away we'll leave the children with a small digital camera to document the holiday. The hope is very much to make a programme which not only sheds light on how families work, but does so in a fun and different way. We'd like to include a range of different shapes and sizes of families - single-parent families, foster families, three generation families, and so on - and within this, we would be interested to feature a family from one of the many communities that are part of the British culture. It would be great to involve a British born Chinese family if possible.

At the moment I'm looking for families who might like to take part - no commitment as yet, of course, but it would be great just to talk with people who might be interested.
For us, the only requirements are that they are going on holiday in the UK over the summer and that the journey to their destination will take at least two hours. Please let me know if this may be possible and if you would like more information please do not hestitate to contact me.

Friday 18 June 2010

Fund Raiding Fair Invitation

An amusing way to support our school

Fund Raising Fair 2010

Date: Sunday 27th June 2010
Time: 16.00 – 17.00
Place: school hall

Please do come and enjoy our special event on Sunday afternoon. We have many adorable, unique and fun items for you. All of your contributions will be donated to the school.

Your participation and support will be highly appreciated.


Monday 14 June 2010

LOCS Parents Committee

We need YOU!

Being a member of the Parents Committee Workforce is a great way to help our school - supporting the staff and working together to make a positive contribution for the greater good of the whole school community.

We’re looking for people who are committed, will attend meetings as/when required and not be afraid to get involved. We don’t just want people with ideas, we want people who are willing to ‘roll up their sleeves’, take responsibility for running an event or a stall and ‘get stuck in’.

Please put yourself forward – it’s not all hard work, we have a great deal of fun, and it's very rewarding too!

For details, please contact Mr David Moss, Chairman of Parents Committee or come to the Parents Room.
